DNS stands for Domain Name System. DNS is used when you use an internet. DNS is used to convert human-friendly domain names (such as https://www.javatpoint.com ) into an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses are used by computers to identify each other on the network. IP addresses are of two types, i.e., Ipv4 and Ipv6. Top Level Domains Domains are seperated by a string of characters seperated by dots. For example, google.com , gmail.com , etc. The last word in a domain name is known as a Top Level Domain. The second word in a domain name is known as a second level domain name. For example: .com: .com is a top-level domain. .edu: .edu is a top-level domain. .gov: .gov is a top-level domain. . co.uk : .uk is a top-level domain name while .co is a second level domain name. . gov.uk : .uk is a top-level domain name while .gov is a second level domain name. The Top level domain names are controlled by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbe...
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